woman wearing medical mask boarding a bus.TDM–transportation demand management–is a concerted effort to get people to choose alternates to single-occupant vehicles (SOVs), including transit, micro-mobility, and shared rides, to get from place to place. When COVID-19 made social distancing a trend, TDM took a big hit. And now, with several vaccines in use around the world and a return to semi-normal living in sight, experts and leaders are planning for TDM’s recovery and seeing opportunity post-pandemic.

IPMI’s Sustainability Committee hosted a panel discussion with several leading experts in the field to talk about TDM’s future given the effects of COVID-19. And while crowded buses and trains may be a hard sell for a little while longer, the panelists saw plenty of opportunity to advance non-SOV transportation in and around cities and campuses going forward. They shared their thoughts and ideas in the December issue of Parking & Mobility magazine and it’s a great read. Check it out here and let us know on Forum–where do you think TDM is going?

Written By
Tyler Perkins