By Rachel Yoka, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C
How do you know if you are ready to formally apply for the Accredited Parking Organization (APO) Program?
When you submit your application, your organization will have one year to submit your comprehensive package of documentation. There is no precise formula for a program this thorough, but here are a few checklist items that indicate your organization is ready:
- The APO Manual for Applicants has been required reading for your key staff, and your organization has completed an internal self-assessment utilizing the APO Matrix, a working document that allows you to track progress in an easy-to-use format.
- Based on your self-assessment, you can meet and document the 25 required measures as well as 80 percent of the remaining criteria, and you have considered the additional criteria for Accreditation with Distinction.
- You have the buy-in and support not only of your top leadership but also your key team members, and you have met as a team to kick off the process and assign responsibilities.
IPI recommends a three- to six-month timeline to start the process, collect documentation, and retain an IPI-approved Site Reviewer to perform a review and site assessment for selected Premier Site(s) (more on these in my next blog post). Recognition for the class of APOs will take place at the 2017 IPI Conference & Expo in New Orleans, La.; IPI will accept full documentation packages for recognition at the show through March 1, 2017.
Questions about getting started or just want the inside scoop? Contact me and I will set up an introductory call on the program for you and your team.
Rachel Yoka, CAPP, LEED AP BD+C, is IPI’s vice president of program development.