Podcast E31 - Brian WolffBy Brian Wolff

“Authentic concern” is defined simply as a company that genuinely demonstrates concern, as opposed to a fake or half-hearted interaction that leaves you feeling less than appreciated or valued. If your company is delivering authentic concern, your customers feel like they are more than a number or a means to an end, and that your company’s intention (thought) and declaration (word) of wanting to deliver excellent customer service is much more than just words (deed).

We all must work together to make the experience more seamless for the parking customer, and it is important to stitch our systems together behind the scenes on behalf of our operators. As suppliers to the parking industry, we too must demonstrate thought, word, and deed when selling and delivering technology solutions for our customers. Additionally, we must take part in breaking the walls down between companies in the name of a seamless, frictionless, and outstanding customer experience.

Customers know when we’re simply giving lip service to the concept of customer service. How? Do you say that delivering excellent customer service is important on your website and/or in your advertising? Do your ambassadors have smiles on their faces when they greet customers? Do they go the extra mile when a customer needs help? Do your parking customers pull into your facility with a good first impression and leave with the same? Is there clear signage? How long do your customers have to wait when they push the help button? Do your people have the training and the tools to deliver a great customer experience? If the answer to any of these questions is soft, then there’s a disconnect somewhere between thought, word, and deed.

Delivering a great customer experience is hard, but you’ve got to start somewhere. If you’re not sure where to start, look around. There are great customer experiences everywhere – you don’t have to reinvent the wheel! You might even lean on customer service legends to guide your path. But it starts with good thoughts, sharing those thoughts and then doing one thing differently to get yourself on a good path toward delivering authentic concern and a great customer experience.

Learn more about the value of training and mentorship discussed in the latest episode of The Parking Podcast; learn more at parkingcast.com.

Brian Wolff is CEO of Parker Technology.


Written By
Rachel Yoka