Bethlehem Parking Authority Continues Sustainability Efforts

The Bethlehem Parking Authority took a big leap in 2021 to get closer to their Sustainability goals. This past year, the Bethlehem Parking Authority passed a Resolution committing to designing and building future parking structures sustainably, added to their electric vehicle charging stations and replaced some of their existing fleet with electric vehicles.

With help by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Bethlehem Parking Authority was generously awarded $70,000 in state grant money that was used towards twelve new charging stations and four new Electric Vehicles. The twelve new charging stations brings the Authority’s total to twenty-two, which are conveniently placed in their garages and lots. These charging stations are hosted on the Blink and ChargePoint networks. The four Electric Vehicles, Chevy Bolts, are used for Parking Enforcement and outfitted with LPRs to replace an ageing fleet of gas guzzling Jeeps. “We’re prioritizing and going after our biggest impacts, which are trying to reduce emissions, and designing our new structures to be more environmentally friendly by aligning them with Sustainability certifications.” said Steve Fernstrom, Executive Director of the Bethlehem Parking Authority.

“In my opinion, our biggest sustainability achievement in 2021 was the board passing the resolution to design and construct new structures by following the ParkSmart Certification.” added Dick Lynn, Facilities Manager.

This commitment ensures that all new structures will be designed and built following these Sustainable Design Standards. The Bethlehem Parking Authority passed the resolution just in time to implement with the design and construction of the 700 space Polk Street Garage, which is scheduled to start in March of 2022. The garage design is being performed by Desman Associates.

With the achievements of 2021 behind them, the Bethlehem Parking Authority is looking ahead to 2022. They’re planning to purchase another Electric Vehicle and work with their PARCS partner, Flash Parking, to implement more features to reduce idle times at the gates.

“It really helps to have such a supportive City Administration and Board of Directors when it comes to trying to develop and achieve Sustainability goals, we’re really looking forward to 2022 and beyond.” said Fernstrom.


Written By
Melissa Rysak