Halifax, Canada - A parking enforcement official with Securitas writes parking ticket for vehicle at expired street meters.
On-Demand Education

Parking Compliance – What You Need to Know for Successful Enforcement

Level: Foundational/basic course

About the course: This eLearning course intends to educate anyone interested in learning about parking compliance/enforcement. This course is for new parking and mobility professionals across the industry. We will examine the qualities of an effective compliance officer, also known as an enforcement officer. The information explored in this course will include the types of enforcement conducted, the rationale behind parking compliance, the role of technology, adjudication, and how to effectively handle or disengage from conflict.

In this course, learn to:

  • Recognize the various roles and challenges of the compliance/enforcement officer.
  • Describe the qualities of an effective compliance/enforcement officer.
  • Illustrate ways to handle conflict, including appropriate safety considerations.
  • Review the various supporting technological resources available.

Course Credits: 1 Certification point

Time to complete: About 1 hour (Self-paced: Start, stop, exit, and return at any time. Course is available for six months from date of purchase.)